Gain the latest insights across the spectrum of the LGBTQ community through this presentation on CMI’s 17th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey
Connect with and engage the LGBTQ community:
Your journey begins with market insights
Your journey begins with market insights
Community Marketing & Insights (CMI) is the world’s leading LGBTQ market research firm, and is 100% LGBTQ-owned and -operated. Over three decades, CMI has worked with leading brands, companies, organizations, universities and government institutions seeking to understand, reach and serve the LGBTQ community.
Through research across the spectrum of LGBTQ, Community Marketing & Insights provides our clients with a deep understanding of how to authentically connect with and engage this growing, powerful, influential and diverse community.
LGBTQs comprise a “slice” of the world’s population. There are markets for singles, couples and families across ethnicity, age and gender. We are citizens, consumers, influencers, students, seniors, business owners and employees. Research will discover diverse interests, matching your products or services to viable LGBTQ market segments.
- Community Marketing® is a personalized, almost individual approach to connecting by affinity.
- Insights are derived through study of these communities.
CMI’s proven, powerful portfolio of services identify, quantify and deliver specific targeted markets, yielding measurable return on your investment in the LGBTQ community.
To learn more about the LGBTQ community click here…
The LGBTQ community: Responsive and proven:
- Immense buying power: Approaching US $1 trillion, in the USA alone.
- Discretionary income: Significant, and spent with LGBTQ-inclusive companies.
- Diverse: Spans all races, generations, ethnicities; singles, couples, married, families.
Connecting, engaging and ultimately marketing to the LGBTQ community comes with a deep understanding:
- How is your company perceived among your own LGBTQ employees?
- How the LGBTQ community views you and your category, and your competition.
- What will it take to market effectively, to and from within the community?
This understanding starts with research and insights.
Free Research Downloads
Visit our research download page…
You will find numerous study reports to help deepen your understanding of the LGBTQ communities. Visit our research download page.
CMI’s 17th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey® report download
The world’s largest LGBTQ longitudinal study of its kind, our 17th Annual survey includes the results and analysis of over 14,000 self-identified LGBTQ community members living in the United States, representing the gender, generation and ethnicity spectrum that is the LGBTQ community. Use this link to email a request for your complimentary copy of CMI’s 17th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey® CMI’s 17th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey (June 2023). Include your company name and title, please. A free download link will be sent to you.
Stream! 17th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey® FREE webinar
Webinar review, observations and analysis of results: 17th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey® (45 minutes) on June 29, 2022. Stream it now!
Equality Rising:
LGBTQ+ Workers and the Road Ahead
Download and read CMI’s Study Collaboration with the HRC Foundation. LGBTQ+ Americans are living in a state of emergency. LGBTQ+ people are being attacked in state legislatures across the country, with a record-breaking number of over 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills introduced in state legislatures in the year 2023 alone, over 81 of which were enacted into law as of the writing of this report in July 2023. Currently, 28 states lack comprehensive protections for LGBTQ+ people, underscoring the reality that millions of LGBTQ+ people lack several protections and basic freedoms. Click here to download and read the full report.
You will find numerous study reports to help deepen your understanding of the LGBTQ communities. Visit our research download page.
The world’s largest LGBTQ longitudinal study of its kind, our 17th Annual survey includes the results and analysis of over 14,000 self-identified LGBTQ community members living in the United States, representing the gender, generation and ethnicity spectrum that is the LGBTQ community. Use this link to email a request for your complimentary copy of CMI’s 17th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey® CMI’s 17th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey (June 2023). Include your company name and title, please. A free download link will be sent to you.
Webinar review, observations and analysis of results: 17th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey® (45 minutes) on June 29, 2022. Stream it now!
LGBTQ+ Workers and the Road Ahead
Download and read CMI’s Study Collaboration with the HRC Foundation. LGBTQ+ Americans are living in a state of emergency. LGBTQ+ people are being attacked in state legislatures across the country, with a record-breaking number of over 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills introduced in state legislatures in the year 2023 alone, over 81 of which were enacted into law as of the writing of this report in July 2023. Currently, 28 states lack comprehensive protections for LGBTQ+ people, underscoring the reality that millions of LGBTQ+ people lack several protections and basic freedoms. Click here to download and read the full report.